Mbsm.pro, NEW FOR DONPER, Refrigerator Freezer Compressor


R134a and R600a home and commercial compressors

220-240V, 50Hz, 1 pixel   
StyleQianjiang modelCapacityrefrigerant (coolant
D25DZ1~55 wattsR134a
S43CZ1QD45H106 WR134a
S50CZ1QD52H120 wattsR134a
L58CZ1QD65H145 WR134a
L65CZ1QD75H170 wattsR134a
L72CZ1QD85H195 wattsR134a
L76CZ1QD91H215 WR134a
K230CZ1QD110H230 WR134a
K270CZ1QD128H270 WR134a
K325CZ1QD142H325 WR134a
K375CZ1QD168H375 wattsR134a
K390DZ1QD180H390 WR134a
StyleQianjiang modelCapacityrefrigerant (coolant
S65CY1QD65Y95 wattsR600a
S75CY1QD75Y120 wattsR600a
S80CY1QD85Y140 wattsR600a
S96CY1QD91Y155 W / 1/5 hpR600a
H170CY1QD103Y170 wattsR600a
L118CY1QD110Y193 WR600a
L126CY1QD128Y212 WR600a
L140CY1QD142Y235 mouthR600a
K270CY1QD153Y270 WR600a
D40CY1QD40Y50 wattsR600a
D53CY1QD55Y80 wattsR600a
D65CY1QD65Y95 wattsR600a
A80CY1QD40Y80 wattsR600a
A100CY1QD65Y98 wattsR600a
A120CY1QD75Y1181 wattsR600a
A140CY1QD85Y140 wattsR600a
115 V 60 Hz R134a LBP   
capacity (w)(the offer)
K390BZ11/2 horsepower3851.3
L86BZ11/3 horsepower2651.3
LK56XZ11/4 horsepower1851.5
AG130XZ11/5 horsepower1301.4
AG100XZ11/6 horsepower1001.42