Mbsm.pro, QXA-C133B030gA, Compressor GREE, PANASONIC, 12000 Btu, R410, 2JS464D3CA02, 24000 Btu, r22

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This is a 2JS464D3CA02 PANASONIC COMPRESSOR CUA24BKP5 CUA24CTP5 replacement Compressor for Panasonic Airconditioners. Statewide Appliance Spares can supply you with a range of appliance spare parts to suit your Panasonic Airconditioner.

Ensure your appliance is working at its best with a replacement 2JS464D3CA02 PANASONIC COMPRESSOR CUA24BKP5 CUA24CTP5 from Statewide Appliance Spares. We offer competitive pricing and fast, Australia wide delivery to make buying spare parts easier.

  • Product:
  • Part: 2JS464D3CA02
  • Brand: Panasonic
  • Replacement: Compressor for Airconditioners
  • The PANASONIC COMPRESSOR CUA24BKP5 CUA24CTP5 (part number: 2JS464D3CA02) is a replacement Compressor for Airconditioners by Panasonic. Panasonic is a leading manufacturer of Airconditioners and their Airconditioners parts like 2JS464D3CA02 PANASONIC COMPRESSOR CUA24BKP5 CUA24CTP5 are no exception to their reputation for quality.
  • Compressor Daikin JT125G-P8Y1, 40300 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B34DBE8Compressor Daikin JT125G-P4Y1, 40300 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B34DBE8Compressor Daikin JT125G-PAV1, 40300 Btu, 1-phase for Panasonic CU-B34DBE5Compressor Daikin JT160G-P8Y1, 50900 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B43DBE8

    Compressor Daikin JT160G-P4Y1, 50900 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B43DBE8

    Compressor Daikin JT170G-P8Y1, 54300 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B50DBE8

    Compressor Daikin JT170G-P4Y1, 54300 Btu, 3-phase for Panasonic CU-B50DBE8

    Compressor Matsushita 5RS102XBC01, 9-15 kBtu, for Panasonic CU-E9/E12/E15

    Compressor Matsushita 2JS438D3JA02, 24000 Btu, for Panasonic CU-A24DKD

    Compressor Matsushita 2JS464D3CA02, 24000 Btu, for Panasonic CU-C24JKD

    Compressor Matsushita 5416A20016A, 18000 Btu, 1 phase for LG

    Compressor Matsushita 5416A20019F for LG S30LHP (LSUH306DGM1)

    Compressor Matsushita 5416A20013C, 5416A90050A, 3 x 155, for LG

    Compressor Matsushita 5416A20016F, 3 x 185, 3-phase.

    Kompressor Matsushita 5416A20030E, 48000 BTU, R-22

    Compressor LG 2520UGDP2DA 7000 Btu / 2.3 kW / R-410 (for LG S07AH)

    Compressor LG 2520UKCP2DA 7000 Btu / 2.3 kW / R-22 / (for LG S07LH) 3 x 135

    Compressor LG 2520UGKP2AA LG 9000 Btu / 2.46 kW / R-410 / 3 x 155 (for LG A09LK)

    Compressor LG 2520UKMP2BA 12000 Btu / 3.5 kW / R22

    / (for LG G/C/S 12LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UCAJ041 14000 Btu / 4 kW / R22 (for LG M14L2H)

    Compressor LG 2520UHFP2BA 18000 Btu / 5.6 kW /

    R-22 / (for LG S18LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UHPP2AB 24000 Btu / 7.2 kW / R-22 / (for LG S24LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UHLY2BA, 2520UHCY2AA 36000 Btu / 10 kW / R-22 (for LG V36LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UFJP2BA 36000 Btu / 10 kW / R-22 (for LG S36LHP)

    Compressor LG 5416A20030L, 36000 Btu, 4 x 190, R-22, 3-phase

    Compressor LG 2520UNDY2BA – 36000 Btu / 10 kW / R22 (for LG T36LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UEAY2AA 48000 Btu / 14 kW / R-22 (for LG P05LH, T/B/V 48LH)

    Compressor LG 2520UNHY2BA, 54-60000 Btu / 17 kW / R22 (for LG T54LH, V60LH)

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Image Inside Posthttps://www.mbsm.pro/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Mbsm_dot_pro_private_picture__2js464d3ca02-352x500.jpg